
Govardhana, November 30, 2021 (pic taken by me)

Hare Kṛṣṇa and welcome to Vine of Devotion!

My name is Madhukar das. I’m a disciple of nitya-līlā-praviṣṭa Śrī Śrīmad Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja and a brahmacārī living in Śrī Keśavajī Gauḍīya Maṭha, Navadvīpa.

Vine of Devotion is a place where we can learn ślokas together and study various bhakti-related topics.

Our first program: Śrī Rūpa-śikṣa

Beginning May 3rd and ending August 9th 2022 (14 weeks)

Our first study program here will be Rūpa-śikṣa: Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s instructions to Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī from Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, Chapter 19.

Format of the program:

Every Thursday: YouTube video

I will post a video on the Vine of Devotion YouTube channel in which I'll go through the śloka(s) of the week, share some related quotes by our ācāryas, some of my thoughts, etc. Then I’ll explain the meaning of all the Bengali/Sanskrit words and go through the process of committing the verse to memory so that by the end of the video, you’ll (hopefully) have it memorized.

The first video I made on the VoD YouTube Channel

Every Friday: Newsletter

I will send out a newsletter to your email that will be similar to the YouTube video but in written form. I might sometimes share extra resources in it as well that you won't find on the video. This will be my way to communicate with you directly and share the link for the next Zoom meeting (more about that below). If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe!

Every Sunday: Śloka recitation

This will be your chance to practice reciting and explaining the verse in your own words in a small group of devotees. There will be two Zoom sessions that you can choose from according to what fits your time zone and schedule best:

Zoom session 1

New Delhi, India —— Sun, 7:30 AM

UTC —— Sun, 2:00 AM
British Summer Time —— Sun, 3:00 AM
Central European Summer Time —— Sun, 4:00 AM
South Africa Standard Time —— Sun, 4:00 AM
Eastern European Summer Time —— Sun, 5:00 AM
Hong Kong Time —— Sun, 10:00 AM
Australian Central Time —— Sun, 11:30 AM
Australian Eastern Time —— Sun, 12:00 Noon
Hawaii Daylight Time —— Sat, 5:00 PM
Pacific Time —— Sat, 7:00 PM
Central Time —— Sat, 9:00 PM
Eastern Time —— Sat, 10:00 PM
Brazil Time —— Sat, 11:00 PM

Zoom session 2

New Delhi, India —— Sun, 8:30 PM

UTC —— Sun, 15:00
British Summer Time —— Sun, 4:00 PM
Central European Summer Time —— Sun, 5:00 PM
South Africa Standard Time —— Sun, 5:00 PM
Eastern European Summer Time —— Sun, 6:00 PM
Hong Kong Time —— Sun, 11:00 PM
Australian Central Time —— Mon, 12:30 AM
Australian Eastern Time —— Mon, 1:00 AM
Hawaii Daylight Time Sun —— Sun, 6:00 AM
Pacific Time, PT —— Sun, 8:00 AM
Central Time, CT —— Sun, 10:00 AM
Eastern Time, ET —— Sun, 11:00 AM
Brazil Time —— Sun, 12:00 Noon

All devotees from all saṅgas are most welcome.

As this is our first program, I’m looking at it as an experiment and I'm hoping that we can improve it together more and more. Therefore, your feedback throughout the program will be most appreciated.

I pray that Śrīla Gurudeva, Śrīla Prabhupāda, and the Vaiṣṇavas will be pleased with this humble effort.

Aspiring servant,

– Madhukar das