One less verse to memorize this week!

One less verse to memorize this week!

This morning, as I went to start writing the script for the video on the second verse of this week, I had a huge mental block. I decided to make a mind-map and I began to fill it up with more and more things I found on the topic of jīva-tattva. The more I researched, the more I got overwhelmed by how much there is to say and how little I know.

Mind map I am in the process of making.

Right now, I'm sitting on my balcony at 10:00PM after an unsuccessful attempt to record the video. I realize now that I need more time to prepare and boil this all down to the essence. I'm not that smart so I require extra time.

So the new plan is to move over the second verse we were going to memorize this week to next week instead. In order to not confuse everyone with extra changes, we'll still meet on Zoom this Tuesday instead of Sunday to practice reciting the verse. Click below for the exact details:

If you won't be free to meet at this later time, then whenever you like, feel free to send me your verse recitation by WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal to this number: +91 7895939316 .

A beautiful song for Nṛsiṁha Caturdaśī

I have a little treasure I'd like to share with you. I think for many of you in the West, you're in the middle of observing or have already observed Nṛsiṁha Caturdaśī, so I'm sorry if this is coming too late. We're observing it here in Navadvīpa tomorrow. Here is a fascinating song by Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura that I sent out on the Gaudiya Kirtan mailing list a couple days ago:

Here's the translation:

Perpetually residing within my wicked heart are the six enemies, headed by lust, as well as duplicity, the desire for recognition, and deceit. My prayer at the lotus feet of Śrī Nṛsiṁhadeva is that He will purify my heart and awaken longing within me for [serving] Śrī Kṛṣṇa. When will I, crying at the feet of Śrī Nṛsimhadeva, beg him that I may engage in the bhajana of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa Yugala in Śrī Navadvipa-dhāma, safe from all danger? When will that Śrī Hari, the sight of whom strikes fear into fear itself, become pleased with me and show me His mercy? Although He appears as the embodiment of terror to the wicked, to Prahlāda and other devotees of Śrī Kṛṣṇa He is exceedingly kind and gentle. When oh when will He be pleased with me and, speaking words brimming with compassion, make this insignificant fool fearless?

[He will say,] “O dear child, reside here freely in Śrī Gaurāṅga’s abode. May you remain engaged in the loving service of the Divine Couple, and may you develop deep attraction for śrī nāma. “On the strength of My devotees’ mercy, all obstacles are cast far away. With a pure heart, engage in bhajana of Śrī Śrī Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa, which is saturated with rasa.”

After having said such, when will that Lord happily place His lotus feet upon my head? At once, in the divine prema of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa Yugala, I shall undergo ecstatic transformations (sattvika-vikāra) and roll about on the ground at the door of Śrī Nṛsiṁhadeva’s temple.

Preview of Rūpa-śikṣā verses for next week

Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Madhya-līlā 19.139–142)

Text 139

keśāgra-śateka-bhāga punaḥ śatāṁśa kari
The tip of a hair divided into a hundred parts, and [one of those parts] again made (divided) into a hundred parts—

tāra sama sūkṣma jīver ‘svarūpa’ vicāri
I consider the tiny jīva’s form [to be] the same as this.

Text 140

The tip of a hair divided into one hundred parts

and a hundredth of that (one of those parts) is equal to

jivaḥ sūkṣma-svarūpo ’yaṁ
[the size of] the jīva’s infinitesimal form. The jīvas are

saṅkhyātīto hi cit-kaṇaḥ
innumerable and are particles of spirit.

WEEK 3: Zooming IN

Text 141

The tip of a hair divided into a hundred parts,

śatadhā kalpitasya ca
and [one of those parts again] divided into a hundred parts—

bhāgo jīvaḥ sa vijñeya
that part is to be understood as [the size of] a jīva.

iti cāha parā śrutiḥ
This is the verdict of the chief śrutis.

Text 142

sūkṣmāṇām apy ahaṁ jīvaḥ
“[Kṛṣṇa says:] ‘Among minute particles/subtle objects, I am the jīva.’

Text 143

aparimitā dhruvās tanu-bhṛto yadi sarva-gatās
tarhi na śāsyateti niyamo dhruva netarathā
ajani ca yan-mayaṁ tad avimucya niyantṛ bhavet
samam anujānatāṁ yad amataṁ mata-duṣṭatayā

“ ‘O Lord, although the living entities who have accepted material bodies are spiritual and unlimited in number, if they were all-pervading there would be no question of their being under Your control. If they are accepted, however, as particles of the eternally existing spiritual entity — as part of You, who are the supreme spirit whole — we must conclude that they are always under Your control. If the living entities are simply satisfied with being identical with You as spiritual particles, then they will be happy being controllers of so many things. The conclusion that the living entities and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are one and the same is a faulty conclusion. It is not a fact.’

That's all for now. Jaya Nṛsiṁhadeva!

Aspiring to please Śrīla Gurudeva and the Vaiṣṇavas,

-Madhukar das