R-s 3a šŸ”¬ Zooming IN

R-s 3a šŸ”¬ Zooming IN

ā§ Cc Madhya 19.139ā€“141 ā§

This week, the verse Ā that I think is most important to learn is also quite long and difficult. Thereā€™s so much in it and itā€™s been taking me quite some time to be able to Ā understand it. So in order to not put too much pressure on you (or on me!), weā€™re going to remember a verse before it, which is a lot easier and also a good one to know.

I published a video where we go through and memorize this more simple verse. Iā€™m still studying the long, difficult one and Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll be able to publish a video for it tomorrow. šŸ¤ž

Upcoming Zoom session

Would you like to join us to recite this weekā€™s śloka on Sunday (or Saturday in some countries)? If so, click the button below for the Zoom links and timings in different countries:

No one showed up in the second Zoom session last time. It seems like the first Zoom session is the time that works best for everyone. I'm going to still keep the second Zoom session open this time and if no one shows up, then maybe I'll cancel it and we'll just have the one time.

Revision of the previous verses

Text 135

ei-mata daśa dina prayāge rahiyā
In this way, for ten days Śrīman Mahāprabhu stayed at Prayāga [and]

śrÄ«-rÅ«pe śikį¹£Ä dilĆ“ śakti saƱcāriyā
instructed Rūpa Gosvāmī, thus empowering him.

Text 136

prabhu kahe, ā€” śunĆ“, rÅ«p, bhakti-raser lakį¹£aį¹‡a
ŚrÄ«man Mahāprabhu said, ā€œListen, O RÅ«pa, bhakti-rasaā€™s symptoms...

sÅ«tra-rÅ«pe kahi, vistār nā ĵāya varį¹‡ana
in sūtra form I will tell. In full, it is not possible to describe.

Text 137

pārāpāra-śūnya gabhīr bhakti-rasa-sindhu
Shoreless and deep is the ocean of bhakti-rasa.

tomāy cākhāite tāra kahi eka ā€˜binduā€™
To give you a taste of it, I am describing one drop.

Text 138

ei-mata brahmāį¹‡įøa bhariā€™ ananta jÄ«va-gaį¹‡a
In this way, the universe is filled with countless living entities.

caurāśī-lakį¹£a yonite karaye bhramaį¹‡a
In 84 lakhs (8.4 million) species, they rotate.

In this last verse, we zoomed out and saw how in this universe there are unlimited jÄ«vas perpetually rotating up and down in the universe. Now, in the next three verses, weā€™re going to zoom in on one of these jÄ«vas.

(As always, the verse in the box is the one weā€™re memorizing.)

This week's verses (last two verses coming tomorrow)

Text 139

keśāgra-śateka-bhāga punaįø„ śatāį¹Å›a kari
The tip of a hair divided into a hundred (bhāga) parts, pieces, and [one of those parts] again divided into a hundred partsā€”

tāra sama sÅ«kį¹£ma jÄ«ver ā€˜svarÅ«paā€™ vicāri
the same as this, I consider (vicāri) the tiny jÄ«vaā€™s form

Text 140

The tip of a hair divided into one hundred parts

and a hundredth of that (one of those parts) is equal to

jivaįø„ sÅ«kį¹£ma-svarÅ«po ā€™yaį¹
[the size of] the jÄ«vaā€™s infinitesimal form. The jÄ«vas are...

saį¹…khyātÄ«to hi cit-kaį¹‡aįø„
innumerable and are particles of spirit.

WEEK 3: Zooming IN

Text 141

The tip of a hair divided into a hundred parts,

śatadhā kalpitasya ca
and [one of those parts again] divided into a hundred partsā€”

bhāgo jÄ«vaįø„ sa vijƱeya
that part is to be understood as [the size of] a jīva.

iti cāha parā śrutiįø„
This is the verdict of the chief śrutis.

In these verses, Mahāprabhu is describing to ŚrÄ«la RÅ«pa GosvāmÄ« how the jÄ«va is aį¹‡u, atomic, and sÅ«kį¹£ma, very fine and subtle. This tiny soul resides in the region of the heart and he pervades whatever form he is present in. Due to being of Ā atomic nature, he can come under the control of māyā, as described in Jaiva-dharma, Chapter 15:

Vrajanātha: Is there any illusory material component in the jÄ«vaā€™s original constitution?

BābājÄ«: No, the jÄ«va is created solely from the cit-śakti (spiritual potency). He can be defeated, or covered by māyā, because he is minute by nature and lacks spiritual power. But there is not even a scent of māyā in the jÄ«vaā€™s existence.āž

The next two verses of RÅ«pa-śikį¹£Ä, which Iā€™ll (hopefully) send out tomorrow, Mahāprabhu quotes verses from ŚrÄ«mad-Bhāgavatam about the position of these tiny jÄ«vas in relation to Bhagavān.

On that note, Iā€™ll end this post with a beautiful excerpt from Prabhupāder Upadeśamį¹›ta, a book containing the nectarean instructions of ŚrÄ«la Bhaktisiddhānta SarasvatÄ« į¹¬hākura Prabhupāda, which was published in Rays of The Harmonist, 2010 Gaura PÅ«rį¹‡imā edition:

By the mercy of śrÄ« gurudeva, we, the atomic sparks of consciousness (aį¹‡u-caitanya), will approach the Supreme, Infinite Consciousness (vibhu-caitanya). We will relinquish the association of other ordinary fellows and approach our eternal Lord. Though śrÄ« gurudeva considers himself to be an insignificant servant of Bhagavān, I consider him to be my eternal friend and well-wisher and the only one who can help me approach Bhagavān. I consider śrÄ« gurudeva to be both identical to Bhagavān and also the beloved of Bhagavān. I will surrender myself completely unto his lotus feet. Without any selfish interest, I will dovetail all my endeavours exclusively to serve him. Only then shall I achieve all perfection.

Aspiring to please ŚrÄ«la Gurudeva and the Vaiį¹£į¹‡avas,

-Madhukar das