Songs to sing for Śrī Rāmacandra

Songs to sing for Śrī Rāmacandra

Jaya Śrī Śrī Sītā-Rāma!

If you are subscribed to the Gaudiya Kirtan mailing list, then you've already received what I'm posting below. I didn't have time to prepare anything else and I thought these kīrtans might be helpful for your observance of Śrī Rāma Navamī, so I'm sending them here again on Vine of Devotion. If you'd like to receive more songs like this throughout the year, consider subscribing to the GK mailing list and GK WhatsApp group.

The first two songs are from a Zoom class that Mañjarī dīdī recently gave on how to sing two popular Rāma bhajanas: Sītā Rāma Kahiye and Maṅgala Bhavana Amaṅgala Hari. She sings them in a simplified way so that you can easily catch the melody.

The first song, Sītā Rāma Kahiye, I remember Kṛṣṇadāsa prabhu used to sometimes sing in the middle of his mahāmantra kīrtanas at outside programs. I was never able to follow along because I didn't know the words, so I was very happy when Mañjarī dīdī taught it a couple of days ago.

Here are the words and a clip from Mañjarī didi's class of how to sing it:

सीता राम सीता राम सीताराम कहिये ।
जाहि विधि राखे राम ताहि विधि रहिये ॥

मुख में हो राम नाम राम सेवा हाथ में
तू अकेला नाहिं प्यारे राम तेरे साथ में ।
विधि का विधान जान हानि लाभ सहिये
जाहि विधि राखे राम ताहि विधि रहिये ॥

sītā rāma, sītā rāma, sītā rāma kahiye
jāhi vidhi rākhe rāma tāhi vidhi rahiye

mukha mẽ ho rāma-nāma, rāma sevā hātha mẽ
tu akelā nāhĩ pyāre, rāma tere sātha mẽ

vidhi kā vidhāna jāna hāni lābha sahiye
jāhi vidhi rākhe rāma tāhi vidhi rahiye

Say “Sītā Rāma, Sītā Rāma, Sītā Rāma.” Live happily in whatever manner Lord Rāma places you.

Let Rāma’s name be on your tongue, his work in your hands. You are not alone dear one. Rāma is with you. Bear loss and gain, knowing all is the law of Providence.

The second song, Maṅgala Bhavana Amaṅgala Hari, is a popular bhajana made up selected verses from Tulasīdāsa's Rāma Carita Mānasa (mostly from the Bāla-khaṇḍa).

This is another song that I always wanted to know how to sing. It is probably one of the most common Rāma bhajanas you'll hear playing around everywhere you go in India. The melody is beautiful, happy, and bittersweet.

Another song you might like to sing is Śrī Rāmacandra-kṛpālu Bhaja Mana, which I also sent out on the Gaudiya Kirtan mailing list a few years ago.

Last but not least, see below the Śrī Rāmacandrāṣṭakam composed by Śrīman Mahāprabhu's dear associate Śrī Murāri Gupta, who is Hanumān in Śrī Rāmacandra's pastimes.

Śrī Rāmacandrāṣṭakam

This aṣṭakam, from Murārī Gupta's Śrī Caitanya-carita (2.7.10–18), is sung in the same meter as Śrī Brahmā-saṁhita (Verses 29–55, "govindam ādi puruṣam...") and Śrī Lalitāṣṭakam. On verse six, I put parenthesis around the ca (meaning "and") because it made the line one syllable too many to fit the meter. If you'd like to see the original Bengali translation we used, click here.  

[Watch a video of how to sing it here]

udyad-bṛhaspati-kavi-pratime vahantam 
dve-kuṇḍale ’ṅka-rahitendu-samāna-vaktraṁ
rāmaṁ jagat-traya-guruṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (1) 

The glowing gems of His crown illuminate the ten directions, while the two earrings He wears appear to be Jupiter and Venus rising, flanking the spotless moon-like orb of His face. I perpetually worship that Śrī Rāmacandra, guru of the three worlds.

 udyad-vibhākara marīci vibodhitābja-
netraṁ su-bimba-daśana-cchada-cāru-nāsam 
rāmaṁ jagat-traya-guruṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (2) 

His eyes are like fresh lotuses blossoming in the rays of the rising sun, His lips are like beautiful bimba fruits, His nose is very charming, and His sweet laughter shames even the soothing rays of the moon. I eternally worship that Śrī Rāma, the guru of the three worlds.

taṁ kambu-kaṇṭham-ajam-ambuja-tulya-rūpaṁ
muktāvalī-kanaka-hāra-dhṛtaṁ vibhāntam 
vidyud-balāka-gaṇa-saṁyutam-ambudaṁ vā
rāmaṁ jagat-traya-guruṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (3) 

His neck, like a conch, displays three elegant lines. He is Aja, the unborn, with a complexion like that of a blue lotus, and is resplendent wearing a string of pearls and a gold necklace, resembling a raincloud laced by lightening as a flock of cranes soar past. I eternally adore that Rāma, the guru of the three worlds.

pañca-cchadādhika-śataṁ pravarāṅgulībhiḥ 
kurvanty-asita-kanaka-dyuti yasya sītā
pārśve sthitā raghu-varaṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (4) 

In the palm of her upraised hand rests a thousand-petal lotus, which appears to be clasped by another five or hundred more petals—her elegant fingers. Thus, her figure glistening like molten gold, Sītā-devī presides to the left of that foremost of Raghus, whom I worship for perpetuity. 

agre dhanurdhara-varaḥ kanakojjvalāṅgo
jyeṣṭhānu-sevana-rato (ca) yata-bhūṣaṇāḍhyaḥ 
śeṣākhya-dhāma-vara-lakṣmaṇa-nāma yasya
rāmaṁ jagat-traya-guruṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (5) 

Before Him is the foremost of archers. Limbs of blazing golden effulgence, He is absorbed in carefully serving His elder brother and is adorned with self-restraint. He is the great radiance (mahā-jyoti) or supreme abode [of Viṣṇu] renowned as Śeṣa, whose name is now Lakṣmaṇa. I eternally worship Śrī Rāmacandra, the guru of the three worlds.

yo rāghavendra-kula-sindhu-sudhāṁśu-rūpo
yajñaṁ rarakṣa kuśikānvaya-puṇya-rāśiṁ
rāmaṁ jagat-traya-guruṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (6) 

He is the greatest of the Raghus and is the nectarean moon rising from the ocean of their dynasty. By killing Mārīca, Subāhu and other demons, He protected Viśvamitra’s fire sacrifice, which was the embodiment of his cumulated piety. I constantly worship that Rāma, the guru of the three worlds. 

hatvā khara-triśirasau sa-gaṇau kabandhaṁ
śrī daṇḍa-kānanam-adūṣaṇam eva kṛtvā 
sugrīva-maitram-akarod-vinihatya śatruṁ
taṁ rāghavaṁ daśa-mukhāntakaraṁ bhajāmi (7) 

Killing Khara, Triśirā, Kabandha, and their companions, He rid the Daṇḍakāraṇya forest of its filth. Befriending Sugrīva, He killed his enemy (Bāli). I worship that Rāghava, who put an end to the ten-headed menace Rāvaṇa.

bhaṅktvā pinākam akaroj janakātmajāyā
vaivāhikotsava-vidhiṁ pathi bhārgavendram 
jitvā pitur-mudam-uvāha kakutstha-varyaṁ
rāmaṁ jagat-traya-guruṁ satataṁ bhajāmi (8) 

Breaking Śiva’s bow, He wed the daughter of Janaka amid great festivity. And, when confronted by Paraśurāma on the path [back to Āyodhyā], He defeated him, thereby delighting His father. I worship that Śrī Rāma, the guru of the three universes and the best of the line of Kakutstha.

itthaṁ niśamya raghu-nandana-rāja-siṁha-
ślokāṣṭakaṁ sa bhagavān caraṇaṁ murāreḥ
vaidyasya mūrdhni vinidhāya lilekha bhāle
tvaṁ rāma-dāsa iti bho bhava mat-prasādāt (9)

Hearing this prayer to Raghunandana, the lion among kings, the Lord [Śrī Gaurahari] placed His lotus feet on the physician Śrī Murāri Gupta’s head, stamping his forehead with the words “Rāma Dāsa” and blessed him: “By My mercy, may you be the servant of Śrī Rāma.”

(Translated by Śrīvāsa dāsa for the Gaudiya Kirtan mailing list)

I hope you have a wonderful Śrī Rāma Navamī. I'll go live on my personal YouTube channel at 7:30AM India time to read something special for Śrī Rāma Navamī and Śrīla Bhakti Ballabha Gosvāmī Mahārāja's appearance day. I haven't decided what to read yet, so if you have any suggestions, please share in the comments below!